It's very fun to play, animation is nice and the ambience is amazing. I'm only having a problem with the hitboxes that feel inconsistent and out of place sometimes.
It's very fun to play, animation is nice and the ambience is amazing. I'm only having a problem with the hitboxes that feel inconsistent and out of place sometimes.
The puzzles were very nice. I loved the stars with the flashlight one. It took me a while to understand because I was admiring its beauty hehehe.
The art is beautiful and we had just what we needed, not too many scenarios and transitions. I like it.
And the story, omg, you almost got me teary. The feelings hit the player very hard here. And I absolutely love that it's the kid's perspective we see.
The chats are a great idea, I can see a lot of possibilities for a good storyline since you're using them, take advantege of it for the series. Also, I like the way you explain the use of things like the card reader, but sometimes it's good to have the player figure out what to do by their own for a bit, ok?
I think people are already pointing out this game is very submachine. The way you walk through scenes and the music has a lot to do with it. You could try to make this a little more yours. What bugs me the most is the cube. A lot of point-and-click games are using cubes nowadays. Not that it's bad or anything, but it got so much overused it's getting annoying...
It's a good game. I wish I could play more of this. Just keep in mind you can be successfull by doing your own things and have your own ideas. I missed originality.
I appreciate your concern, and I truly hope to create something unique and original.
And about the cube, it was only ever meant to be a sort of ambiguous placeholder. I came up with it when I was in a rush while making the initial game jam version.
What a game! thanks.
I really apreciate the atmosphere you created and how it works very well with the story. Story which is really amazing too. It reminded me why I do love point 'n click games so much!
One thing I'd complain is that you left some areas far from each other or hard to reach and going from here to there many times was a little tiring. They also did it in submachine, but I think adding more "changes of areas" and making the game more progressive minimized it's efect (you don't have to go back too much way to complete a puzzle). Well, just a comparison.
Anyway, I love this kind of story, and can't wait for playing the second one.
This game is really great. Loved the efects and the illusions that made it really hard. The unique problem, although, was the end. Thats ok it fits the story BUT, I really expected more.
I also didn't like to go back when loosing 3 lives, if it were at least 5, it'd be better for my patience.
Well, I played the first game and I was expecting something different from this one...
It's not that I didn't like it, because I did (a lot), but you've changed a little the graphics and I really disliked the wiseman talking as same as yoda... it was as unecessary as that mahjong part.
I LOVED the idea of the cloud eater and all the songs were really really amazing :D
Well, I'm expecting a third game as simple and brightly peacefull as the first one.
Thank you for your entry. it's fair enough to like more only some part of the game and dislike the others. It's what we all do when playing.
I really like these games
really fun ^^ and a bit hard x-x
it could be bigger
but I really liked it ^^
anything but terrible!
it isn't definively a RPG... I really don't know why people are giving more than 2 to it. what a terrible game, i don't belive I wasted my time on it.
sorry, but next time try to do something better... very better.
Age 30
Joined on 12/13/10